Meer informatie
1850 bhp!
Put the pedal to the metal and the racing fun begins on the bendy, action-packed Carrera Hybrid Power Race circuit. This extravagant duel features two cars from a new generation of racers. There's the stylish retro-look 887 bhp Porsche Spyder 918 and the 963 bhp super sportscar LaFerrari designed and built in Manarello. Put together these hybrid sportscars pump out 1850 bhp and leave nothing to the imagination. Dedicated Carrera and motor racing fans can look forward to plenty of great racing on this 8.2-meter Carrera racetrack with these two absolutely unique cars. WIRELESS+ controls gives drivers complete freedom of movement around the track as they operate their cars. A control unit guarantees a real racing sensation, as it allows drivers to set the speed, braking power, and to program a pace car for authentic motor racing at home. These very special super sportscars guarantee a genuine racing atmosphere around the Carrera circuit and extraordinary racing fun for enthusiasts of all ages!
Belangrijke kenmerken
- 2.4 GHz Wireless+
- control unit
- double lane change section
- headlights and rear-/brakelight
- lane-change curve
- Space required : 3 x 1,8 m
- Track length : 8,2 m
- Fabrikant : Carrera
Samenstelling van de kit
- 918 Spyder "Martini Racing, No.23" (20030698)
- (red) (20030665)
- 7x 1/3 straight
- Control Unit
- 4x Double sliding contact
- Double lane change section
- 2x End sections outside shoulder 1/30
- 78x track section bolts
- 13x Curve 1 / 60 degrees
- 64x Guard rail supports
- Shoulder complement
- Lane Change Curve - left, out to in
- 4x Standard straight
- Transformer
- WIRELESS+ Double charging station
- WIRELESS+ Receiver
- 2x WIRELESS+ Speed Controller
Carrera Hybrid Power Race Digital
339,99 €
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