Belangrijke kenmerken
- very smooth throttle response
- superb operation with all outrunner and inrunner motors
- automatic motor cutoff with automatic detection of the number and the type of battery cells
- safety cutoff when using Li-xx batteries - prevents damage of the cells due to over-discharge
- high frequency brake with non-linear or hard or limited braking action
- automatic self-calibrating on turning on the transmitter
- automatic motor cut-off when battery voltage is low (two modi)
- easiest set-up by jumpers on ProgCard and 1-2-3 beeb and... go
- OPTO version is without a BEC
- Current: 45A !
- Power: 1550 Watt permanent maximum power !
- Voltage: 8-24 NC/NiMH / 3-8 Li-xx
- Weight: 20g / 38g including cables
- Dimensions: 52x25x10 mm
- gold contact female 3,5 mm are soldered
- OPTO version w/o BEC
- programmable by JETI ProgCard
- Fabrikant : AXI Motors
DISC. DESTOCKAGE : JETI Advance+ 45 opto
81,04 €
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