Meer informatie
The advanced cab has been designed to increase cornering but at the same time, thanks to the soft rear slide behind the roof, the body is perfectly balanced in its shape giving the model a particularly sinuous and slender line; the improvement phase took several months to optimize every detail, the attention to details has been obsessive.
VISION is a body with a futuristic look that enhances the performance of the model, several hours of development and research have been dedicated to the sides that show a unique and original design of its kind and that are perfectly connected with the rear side flaps that guarantee the correct load aerodynamically optimized also thanks to the showy central flap that guarantees the correct air flow to the wing, all these elements have been specially designed to generate stability and improve the rear traction as well as to make the model balanced and easy to drive
Belangrijke kenmerken
The body is designed to be installed on the Team Associated RC8B3.1.
- Made with high quality and genuine polycarbonate Lexan®
- Pre-cut by laser for a perfect cutting line and clips holes
- Design specifically designed for housing the Lipo battery
- Possibility of opening the holes (as in the photo) for the ventilation of the electronics
- Produced in hard version, thickness of material 1mm
- Sold clear with protective film outside
- Included in the package a pre-cut decal sheet and windows mask
- Fabrikant : Bittydesign
Vision clear 1/8 buggy body Team Associated RC8B3.1 Pre-cut Electric
35,89 €
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