Meer informatie
Our meticulous attention to all aesthetic appearance of the body has led us to the creation of a simple decal sheet of Race numbers, beautiful, easily visible and suitable for all category.
- Fabrikant : Bittydesign
Samenstelling van de kit
The kit include a double set of Race numbers from 1 to 12, you can use them at On-road race of any scale and thanks to the numbers 11 and 12 it is also suitable for the Off-road races of 1/8 buggy e truggy classes.
- Serigraph printing black color made on white Pvc
- Lucid protective coat, very think and scratchproof
- Resistant to all cleaners generally used to wash a rc body shell
- Fuelproof
- Format 34x24cm
- Single numbers of the kit are precut
- No glue residue when removed
Race Numbers Decal sheet , Medium Pack (include 5 sheet)
19,89 €
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