CTG-015 Digital Camber Gauge for 1/10
Using SkyRC's "Digital Camber Gauge", measure easily and with accuracy the camber and the toe of the wheels of your 1/10 Touring car!
Using SkyRC's "Digital Camber Gauge", measure easily and with accuracy the camber and the toe of the wheels of your 1/10 Touring car!
With Bluetooth integrated, CTG-015 can measure the RC car's camber angle and toe angle and send data
to your mobile phone.
Download the RC Gears app to get started to fine-tune your race wheels!
The accurate Digital Camber Gauge allows you to tweak your camber and camber gain settings, finding
peace of mind that you are following a precise, replicable and trustworthy measurement tool.
On your setup wheels, in your race wheels, or next to your setup station, it will give you incredibly accurate
readings on the camber angle of your wheels.
The fine-tuning and camber-adjusting allow you to achieve your perfect tire wear and traction point.
Easy to charge using the USB-C port !
CTG-015 Digital Camber Gauge for 1/10
45,99 €
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