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Mon-tech Racing is pleased to present the new 1/10 190mm electric touring body
The brand new Montecarlo embodies all the tests and tests that have been done in 5 months of hard work around the tracks throughout Italy and Europe.
Low muzzle, streamlined and taut lines, ribs in the right places to give the necessary rigidity to the bodywork but at the same time lightness, advanced passenger compartment as required by the latest construction standards.
All this translates into stability under braking and acceleration, traction, cornering, smoothness, in practice, ease of driving and the possibility of breaking record times.
Top performance without neglecting the beauty and elegance of the bodywork.
The new Montecarlo is available in the Standard version (ETS Legal) and also in the “Lightweight” version.
Printed like all Mon-tech racing products with top quality 0.75mm polycarbonate, the kit includes the screws and washers for fixing the rear wing, the window masks and the blister of the headlight and grille adevisi, which they can also be attached to the inside of the body before painting.
Mon-tech Racing thanks all its staff of people who contributed to the design and development of this new model.
- Fabrikant : Mon-Tech Racing
1/10 Touring Car 190MM Body - MONTECARLO Standard
27,89 €
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